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Doctor's Visit


Nurse's Office Contact Information

Elementary (320) 584-4162   |   Middle/High School (320) 584-4243

Is my child well enough to go to school?

This is a common question by many parents, so here are some general guidelines that may help you decide:

  • FEVER:  Children with a fever of 100 or greater should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without the use of over the counter fever reducers such as Tylenol(acetaminophen) or ibuprofen.

  • FLU:  If your child was diagnosed by a physician with the flu, returning to school is the same as the fever restrictions listed above.

  • VOMITING/DIARRHEA:  Child should remain at home until 24 hours after the last episode.

  • RASH:  Check with your family physician before sending your child to school with a rash in which you do not know the cause. Children may return to school if the rash is diagnosed as non-contagious or once the recommended treatment for the rash has been received. Diagnosis of a rash CANNOT be made at school.

  • STREP THROAT:  Children may return to school 12 hours after starting antibiotics.

  • CHICKENPOX/SHINGLES:  Your child should remain home until ALL blisters have dried to scabs, which can take 6-10 days.

  • HEAD LICE:  No exclusion, but treatment is recommended before returning to school.

  • REDDENED OR PINK EYE:  Refers to an inflamed eye. It often includes sticky discharge from the eye and pinkish tint to the sclera. Contact your child's healthcare provider for advice or treatment. Children may be at school with symptoms and eye drops are not required.

  • COUGH:  Coughing that interferes with or limits their ability to participate in school activities should be evaluated by your physician.

  • NASAL DRAINAGE:  Thick, colored drainage may need to be evaluated by your child’s health care provider.

  • OTHER: If having your child at school would significantly put others at risk of contracting your child’s illness.


If a child exhibits these symptoms at school, parent/guardian will be contacted to take the child home. If the child’s parent/guardian cannot be reached, an emergency contact will be asked to pick up the child. School personnel CANNOT transport students home.

Contact the attendance secretary if your child is staying home from school. Please feel free to contact the school nurse with questions or to update her of a child’s illness at 320-584-4243.

Medication Policy

Medications are encouraged to be given at home whenever possible. There are circumstances, however, when medication needs to be given during the school day. If it is necessary for a student to receive medication at school, there are requirements that need to be followed:


  1. Parent/Guardian must provide a medication consent form (Form 1A) signed by the parent and the student's physician authorizing the administration of the medication at school. 

  2. Parent/Guardian must provide prescription medication to the school in the original pharmacy container appropriately labeled for the student.

  3. Parent/Guardian must provide non-prescription medication to the school in the original container and provide a signed parent permission form.


Medications, prescription and non-prescription, are not to be carried by the student unless there is a written agreement between the school district and the parent and authorized by the student's physician.

Medication Forms 

Minnesota State Law - No Shots, No School!

The State of Minnesota requires that all students must have received the required immunizations to enroll in or remain enrolled in a Minnesota Public School. Parents must provide the school with documentation indicating that the student has received the appropriate immunizations. Parents may file a medical exemption signed by a healthcare provider or a conscientious objection signed by a parent/guardian and notarized.


Use the link below for information regarding Minnesota's Immunization Requirements and Immunization Record.

Color-Coded Immunization Chart

Locate a clinic near you to receive vaccines:


Learn more at


Northern Pines

Northern Pines Children’s Therapeutic Support Services (CTSS) are counseling services offered in the school, home and community setting. The program provides a safe, convenient, and nurturing environment where the child and family can examine their difficulties, learn to recognize and utilize effective skills, and make corrective changes. The goal is to optimize family functioning to prevent out of home placement. Sessions are offered within the school day/hours, making it extra convenient for you and your student.

Interventions focus on

  • Anger Control

  • Problem-solving

  • Decision-making

  • Self-esteem

  • Independent living

  • Conflict resolution

  • Communication

  • Stress reduction

Services Provided

  • Diagnostic Assessment

  • Therapy

    • Individual

    • Family

    • Group

  • Skills​

  • Crisis Assistance

MS/HS Staff

Amanda Kampa, MSW, LICSW

Mental Health Professional


Sadie Eiynk, LSW

Mental Health Practitioner


Elementary staff

Mackenzie Gangl, MSW, LICSW 

Mental Health Professional


Alyssa Young, LSW 

Mental Health Practitioner


Nicole Zierden, LSW 

Mental Health Practitioner


If you have additional questions or would like to place a referral to Northern Pines for your child, please call the call center at 320-639-2025, or visit our website at

Health Screenings

Vision and hearing screenings are conducted during the year as recommended by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).



VISION:  Kindergarten (males will be screened for color blindness), & grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 10


HEARING:  Grades K-3, 5, 8, 11


HEAD LICE:   Per MDH recommendations, wide-spread lice screenings done by the school have not been shown to be effective. Lice screenings will take place upon request by parents/guardians and/or staff. 



If a student does not pass a portion of the first screening, a re-screen is performed at a later date. If the student again does not pass a referral letter will be sent home with the student recommending further evaluation and/or treatment. If at any time there are concerns about a student’s hearing and/or vision, please contact the nurse to arrange for a screening to be done.

Health Screenings
Reporting Absences
Reporting Absences

Absences must be reported to the school to be considered as an excused absence. Report your child's absence each day your child is ill by calling the attendance line at the school. Please report the child’s name, teacher/grade and reason for the absence. If your child is ill, report the symptoms and/or any diagnosed communicable condition.

Please contact the school Health Office if your child has any injury or illness that will require modifications in his/her school day, prior to returning to school.

If your child is absent and the school has not received notification of the absence, the school will attempt to call the home number listed on the Emergency Information Sheet to either speak with a contact or leave a message inquiring about the absence.


Royalton Public Schools Nutrition Services will provide special dietary requests for students with food allergies and/or other dietary restrictions.

In accordance with federal USDA regulations, the Special Diet Statement must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian as well as the student's physician, physician assistant, registered dietician, or advanced practice registered nurse, such as certified nurse practitioner. This must be completed before any accommodations are able to be made. 

Forms should be completed and returned to the school nurse, and the school nurse will forward to the Food Service Manager.


       Special Diet Statement Form

Student safety is our number one goal at Royalton Public Schools. It is important to us to maintain current information on a student's health information and emergency contact information. If a student gets sick or injured at school to the extent that it is necessary to contact parents, we use the information provided by you on your child's emergency contact sheet.  This provides the school with phone numbers to reach parents, as well as alternate people that the school can contact and release a student to in the event that we are unable to reach the parents.  We will not release a student to anyone that is not listed on the emergency contact sheet without verbal consent from a parent. 

Please complete the Emergency Information Sheet at the beginning of each school year and update it throughout the school year if information changes.

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